Monday, December 31, 2012

Far away to see hanging in that of Chapeng sub outside leopard skin

Far away to see hanging in that of Chapeng sub outside leopard skin, as well as leopard subcutaneous busy as the senior sister apprentice. The proprietress today a white coat, sky blue apron Lanhuahua headscarf, dressed very refreshing. Huang Jianzhong one met her, suddenly relax the nerves, and easily walked there. Proprietress know who heard the sound of footsteps outside the mouth not help Mia Mia, I saw her suddenly sideways in the door, and so the body of the man just reached into a sudden a teen idol punches straight to take come forehead. Huang Jianzhong hear a gust of wind sound, know that this is a senior sister apprentice meet. Previous embarrassing lesson he learned quick flash of the body, survived the the proprietress ferocious Fenquan to take advantage of a turn too late to recover the proprietress hand to catch slightly Push back gently twist, her entire body down into his arms. Leaning on the to Huang Jianzhong arms proprietress, was the men breath Xieguo the burst long absence her could not help looking at his face he turned a bustling, sometimes some confusion. But only after a moment, she from dizziness to wake up, to rebuke: "quick to let go, you're hurting me."

Huang Jianzhong just have a strange feeling, this feeling from the magical charm of a mature woman. But she was the senior sister apprentice, Huang Jianzhong efforts to restrain myself, afraid to have unnatural. See senior sister apprentice so to say, to let go of her praise: "senior sister apprentice skill is so powerful."

"Also said, this is not your backhand catch it?" Proprietress spoke, the enthusiastic welcome him to go into the house.

Huang Jianzhong seen outside noodles unlike native brim low, looks like some suspicious. As a precautionary measure, he did not dare to stay out tea hall, went straight into the back room, sat down on a bamboo chair near the window. Uphill few busy proprietress brew tea, and he chatted up.

Yellow brothers, you said the KMT or **? "The owner asked.

"Who knows?" Huang Jianzhong do not want to take this topic, he ate through a senior sister apprentice questioning of consciousness.

"Old crushed this civil war is not way, we the people have to live." Said proprietress continue.

Huang Jianzhong cope, she said: "how can we fight always fight, yo? Battle Well, will one day end."

At this time in front of a the guests greeting, senior sister apprentice out, leaving Huang Jianzhong a meditation corner, but so also disarray clue. He went to the window, gently put aside the curtain and looked to the outside of the mountain, found the footprints of many people on the road and marks going deep and shallow, disorganized and apparently Not long ago, just after the Colts. This one or two caravan went up the mountain, certainly, and Cobra plan. They smuggling of treasure is on the one hand, the key issue is involved in the action in accordance with the instructions of the old man telegraph, mostly to be killed. Once these caravan arrives Jiading City Pier, who laid an ambush on the pier will be hands-on, participants will meet with their murderous scheme. Grew up looking at the "Water Margin" and Repayment Huang Jianzhong, this time covered in the Xiaganyidan, secretly determined, we must not allow the Cobra plan the injuries caused to the innocent! He believes the tsunami of weeks and Eleonora they will not be seeing these horses to die.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Huang Jianzhong wanted to laugh, but refrained

Huang Jianzhong wanted to laugh, but refrained.

"Small master you practice it, I do not affect you." He said, and took the opportunity to go out.

Fined writing characters young monk attention wholesale nba jerseys up to complete the task.

A Karst landform in Peak Hill, the mountain cave Trinidad and Tobago, criss-cross, up and down the same size is connected, as if underground maze. There are also some bare surface, such as mountains empty eyes. Huang Jianzhong to perform tasks on the mountain, sometimes rest and also these holes yard. He is a lonely Timberwolves, like cave house or jungle reverie and contemplation. He do not want to return to the Tiger Temple nearby drilling Xianrendong beside a secluded sheltered leopards hole for the time being to rest. In addition to their investigation Branch brothers, few people know the lies. This time, Huang Jianzhong sitting the wisteria draped whisk the hole, Cang the peak sea of ??clouds meditation facing outside the cave, that the square of the gap clearly presented in front of the Mang monk young monk conversation repeatedly entangled in the ear. Clue he combs happening in these days, he seems to have seen Meiqin missing the outline of the entire event. But the more close to the truth, and my heart felt more anxious.

Huang Jianzhong decided action tonight.

He pulled out a gun and that the dagger wiped his dignified air, wrestled with the details of the night action program.

At this time, a burst of sound coming from behind the cave, vague, such as from hell. Huang Jianzhong listened like a woman moaning, this sound intermittently looming, as if from hell. He can not help but creepy, strong self listened calmly convinced that a woman's voice, pulled out a gun in her hand, close to the wall unto them sound near wary. Helpless too dark cave of light, not feet stumbled head knock. Over go inside hole the more narrow, he had bent over to accidentally move, the voice is still in front, and finally he was only creeping forward. The woman seems to know someone to rescue her, struggling to climb out. So close to Huang Jianzhong took out a match scratched a faint light, he saw the face of a beautiful but slightly pale, loose messy hair, looked at him helplessly, a pair of eyes in the weak fire alarmed. Trance between he actually finds that she is celery, surprise cried: "Meiqin, you Meiqin?"

The woman seemed exhausted body strength, no longer climb the move, suddenly limp in caves Jinzhai, dying. Apparently she no longer the efforts much effort to do, looking at the the fuzzy ball the Huang Jianzhong, panted for a moment, this breath Youde replied: "I'm not, not Meiqin. Meiqin who ......"

Friday, December 14, 2012

Huang Jianzhong was going into the hotel wedding hall and took care of the scene

Huang Jianzhong was going into the hotel wedding hall and took care of the scene, unfortunately Yang Wentai accompanied by petite Secretary of his wife Cuihua, sitting in a rickshaw come not a moment too soon. The Secretary of fufu state state, unlike the police chief, who looks an the better educated gentleman, refined gentle mouth quibble smiles. His wife than his little seven-year-old, outsiders, beautiful, smart, and very communicative sort remains charming. He was busy downstairs greet them, "Secretary and sister- in-law came to town, flattered, sit inside, inside, please."

 Dr YEOH Shouzhu civilization stick, the gentlemanly to take off the white gloves, turned Zhao Cuihua hands and the gift box, "Congratulations, a mere trifle to high respect." Then be handed over to the bridegroom smiling . Sent the gift of the moment, he suddenly feel that there is something wrong, look around and ask: "hey, cheap nfl jerseys wholesale it, how to see the bride Meiqin?" Huang Jianzhong received the gift box, explained: "Meiqin said to go to the Peak Hill in the Fairy Temple would also like to also seek the Buddha bless our marriage happiness I told her to go after, and she must-me busy, had called Yang Ergou to go with her, want to be back now. "

 Ms. Zhao Cuihua took the opportunity quipped, a pick Dan Fengyan said: "yo Meiqin not wedding not into discount nfl jerseys Hibiscus account, anxious to seek Guanyin Goddess bless a fat boy to go tomorrow to go too late. Heard Guanyin case of Sin temple is very spiritual. " Today is the County Police Department Criminal Investigation Section Chief Huang Jianzhong County National school principals the daughter Meiqin the marriage celebration. Peak county's largest and most luxurious in the Peak restaurant, weddings forthcoming. The pearls "hi word" door on, wearing a red silk trimmed cheap nfl jerseys . Hi words, "Mr. Huang Jianzhong, Miss Meiqin, wedding ceremony" on red yellow word banner of restaurants dotted Beaming. Suona Sheng agitation merrily playing, attracted many local residents gathered to watch, cooing. That brought up to prepare the palanquin carrying bride into the bridal chamber, Beaming placed at the top of the stairs.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Xiao Xiao Fang sniper gun: "We have encountered red dove almost never come back!"

Xiao Xiao Fang sniper gun: "We have encountered red dove almost never come back!"

Ran Ran: "There are police, why police appear?"

Leaves cold-blooded bow thinking for nearly a minute, the other three are the answer and so leaves cold-blooded, cold-blooded leaf: "may want a piece, follow them!" Two men shook his head, a cold-blooded leaf: "Forget it should be all right! '

Ran contingent clothes untied, scattered ammunition inside out, Ran contingent took out the laser gun and handed Du hurried the ice: "This is a laser gun, holding it!"

Du swift ice: "I will not!"

You "Ran contingent asked leaves cold-blooded:" This is how to use? "

Leaves of cold-blooded: "pull the trigger, the light energy.

Du swift ice took the <a href=""></a>  un, very light texture she took right leaves cold-blooded: "headlong ice to give them Sheng-point meal." Du swift ice put down the gun, immediately end two bowls of noodles, said: "eat fast, is still warm. ! "They are just after a matter of life and death is very excited, little appetite, but eat nothing left, and perhaps the only way to be worthy of worry Du swift ice! Leaves of cold-blooded ammunition close up playing with the sniper gun, said: "After wash sleep the past two days do not go out, it is estimated that Wuhu chaos!"

Twenty-four chapters Wuhu strange

Surprisingly <a href="">cheap authentic nfl jerseys</a>  s still the old way is simply strange calm. Leaves of cold-blooded sitting on the coffee table frowned very tight.

Xiao Fang said: "how come? Red dove how will suppress such a big thing!"

Du swift ice almost not much help, and only 站在院子里 lookout.

Xiao Xiao Fang said: "Red Dove and here's a big forces will have anything to do, by virtue of which he is pressing the relationship this thing!"

Leaves cold-blooded said: "Why did he have to press down, this is a problem."

Shaw the small square pat on the head, and said: "let me think about it!"

Ran contingent point on a cigarette, and said: "Do not think, he was not able to sneak it? We continue to trouble, they hide the truth and how long that time what issues will emerge."

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Ran contingent stared, only the mouth is not consciously say: "Do not cry!"

Ran contingent stared, only the mouth is not consciously say: "Do not cry!"

Du swift ice does not seem to care about Ran cheap authentic nfl jerseys , asked: "Do you know my dad?"

Ran contingent: "ah."

Du swift ice so the body: "Come!" Voice reveals a hint of hope.

House, contingent Ran Yi hole sitting on the soft furry sofa holes Yi seems to temporarily forget all just good sleep lying on top, he was too tired.

Du swift ice changed clothes, wearing a white cotton jersey cyan jeans down the stairs, sitting opposite Ran Ran "Excuse me, waiting."

Ran Ran: "It does not ."

Du swift ice: "tell me say something about my father? I was his daughter, I called Du swift ice."

Ran course: "Du swift ice, hello I called Ran contingent he called Kong Yi, you first do not excited, your father on the way back, you also know that this troubled world, he is dead, we are in the way with your father awareness of, and he gave We address Let us take care of you! "

Du swift ice angelic face moved just, he bowed his head without saying a word.

Ran contingent Kong Yi seems one, he has tilted his head to fall asleep on the couch, "Do not be sad, you have a loved one!"

Du swift ice looked up, and the contingent in Ran seems such as lotus general, he almost Yang passed, saying, "I, I will help cheap nfl jerseys ."

"Thank you, all right, I would have thought, I go to work, Du swift ice looked Kong Yi, I remember when you go to close!" She stood up, touch to tears, open the door, gone. Ran Ran felt her sadness.

Monday, November 19, 2012

April 14, ten six.

April 14, ten six.

The rest of the prison factory work gap, dragging the heavy shackles of Sakuragi suddenly take the initiative to find Daly, hope that from next week, Daly can give him some free time.

Whitewashers brush tired? "Daly sneered disapprovingly, in his , the death row Sakuragi worthless virgin simply not what is the oil and water - for someone or something with no exchange value, Daly has always dismissive.

"I heard 'martial law' allowed to bring their own drinks?" Sakuragi topic suddenly to a 180 degrees Great Bend.

What? Daly one, his face serious again immediately smell the prey, like hounds.

"Give me the extra activity time, there is some smoke." Sakuragi went on with his usual deep voice.

The weekly half-hour, and a cigarette. "Daly agreed deadpan while mercilessly cut down Sakuragi's trading price tag.

"Do you know the woman who called Disagreement?" wholesale cheap jerseys happy to accept the conditions of Daly.

Daly then exposed before the advent of the look of stormy silence and facial expressions, he turned and went.

April 14, ten ten.

Black Dragon will now behind when the family, Chongqing City, a new generation of gang Gangster violence the brother again came to the "martial law" to visit an old friend.

Li Yue know storm brother is still from Li NFL Jerseys Wholesale things day by day is near, he's under increasing pressure, and once that damn guy testify, violent brother will lose all the good things in everything - business, rights status, family ... I am afraid to take a long period of time in order to adapt to the environment of "martial law" as Li Yue initially came here.

Li Yue toward violence across brother handed over a small box.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Thought of the previously mentioned things

Xuefei to face more difficult to read, because the woman so that it is but the group of hypocrisy!

Introduction exceptional gains a smile, "This time the thousand landlord will not leave, he."

Xuefei to heard a sudden grin, as long as the Chiba, she was not afraid!

Thought of the previously mentioned things, who held Su Yu push odd Lan, "garrulous, Su Yu to you, to teach him martial arts before go of life and death Road." Her in this way, but noticed that the little guy always admired large law-enforcement.

Qi Lan was about to shirk, we can see the Cheap Authentic NFL Jerseys Ai stare push action into a pull.

See him being beaten Xuefei to feel good, "Well, now, looks pretty, and the lady ready to freshen up."

The crowd finally relieved.

The sun has not yet climbed the hill, toward the the snow Dianwai has voices talking about endless.

"I heard snow Zhuang from generation to generation, this lady came back the suzerain would not make way?" Booing.

"How would! Suzerain young, how can snow new york giants jerseys to a little girl?" Someone retorted. People accounted for more than half of a time to agree with this view, the the laughter burst of big after a while.

Not far away, the Xuefei come a peach pink dress brighter extremely oblique heap bun in the hairpin a colored glaze Gold step shake, really beautiful and soiled with some edge with the legendary, the premise is to ignore her lips a indifferent smile.

The noise continues until the cry sounds came. Everyone looked tracks the sound, I saw a man in the mid-lake pavilion opposite direction standing, hair and Pomo, snow white wins posture lightly. Seem to notice the side of the movement, the man looked up at the crowd. Moment, the whole world is quiet down, dawn seems to have a dark his dark, jade, exquisite Warriors face the prospect of a solution has said countless romantic. Connected only see a vague outline Xuefei some absences.

"Zheng -" and I heard clear and the sounds bring back everyone has wandered to where the thinking I do not know.

Xuefei quietly looked. White, stunning, piano. Is he? Forget the dust is not too late!

The words of the early years, only the snow Zhuang is not around under the suzerain of law enforcement, but the four major landlord. At that time, the the Glen and Suigetsu Court ilk even the shadow children are not.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

After an hour, the summary of the report submitted to Yong full hands

After an hour, the summary of the report submitted to Yong full hands, results Yong whole look, hated. Chan Hing rock as far as people, a few years ago to Wen Jia While a driver. Later became the team captain as far as the subsidiary coal company. Then into leaving the team because of a fight, as far under the Road and Bridge Company. The duties became ordinary drivers. Wen Jialiang morning to fly to Shanghai. The morning after the incident to call Fang Jun new england patriots t-shirts real estate company boss Liang Jisheng. Traffic driver of the vehicle can not be contacted, but personal information, copy of ID. The taxi driver recalls to say, Chan Hing rock get off and a police talked. The task force so that he looked at the photos of all police officers in the bureau. He said Zhao vice captain. "Son of a bitch!" Yong full blurted out. All police officers are surprised and bewildered, I do not know Yong referring to.

The later merits of a routine discussion during the conference, attended by more than 20. And Fang Juncheng the prime suspect. Because Yong whole special identity, Bureau last also specifically named so brave to speak. No longer tolerate the fact Yong whole, although the lack of evidence, he was determined to take advantage of speech eradicate this damn Zhaobing first, "... participants say that Fang Jun, calculating premeditated, but I do not agree with this view. Chan new york giants jerseys was killed the place is worth to cast doubt on the taxi driver before the incident, he also proved that the deceased go let's public security bureau and why he will appear in the Public Security Bureau of the door? we all know, the Traffic Accident those usually difficult to go unpunished. Chan Hing-yan escape surrendered seems reasonable. do not want my friends not to prosecute him. practices unimaginable. fact, the matter is this: My friend's mother recently died, because somehow causes misunderstanding station, ten years before the bed to make to one day filial piety made him his very self-blame 50-year-old when he lost his father to know these, he did not prosecute Chan Hing rock this move is not difficult to understand. in Chan Hing rock position, he thought that a son should be filial at her bedside; think that 40-year-old child needs a father Fang Jun seriously ill and will die soon, he is not with regret leave I have a lawyer friend, said Fang Jun's move not to prosecute in him is actually very reasonable. said he hit his car touches so I can not imagine view of this, I think that killed Chan Hing-yan is someone else. was earlier agreed that human intentional, it can be sure that someone wants to kill the witness and so on, Chen Qing rock appear in the Public Security Bureau of the door there is a reasonable explanation my friend Fang Jun probation or still feel potential danger of mentioning. come to give themselves up. the Traffic Accident previous escape surrendered was overthrown, the Traffic Accident deliberate murder this location murdered in the Public Security Bureau door, not because of the arrogance of criminals, should time rush , no time to use other means to deal with. "Yong wholly changed the subject:" Here I would like to ask a few questions Cheap Authentic NFL Jerseys. "

Thursday, September 27, 2012

I now believe that "life" this thing, so, ah, let it go.

I now believe that "life" this thing, so, ah, let it go.

Palace Mu-one. " After reading the letter, the head lift up around people because the light is not uniform in the private room,

so only in twos and threes saw some wording.

"Write what? Hurry to talk about."

The people around them are urged said write the contents of the heart. only towards the

stationery made the stay of a few seconds, and then lost the letter on the table, leaning against the couch, deeply shut our eyes.

All others owned up rushing to see the letterhead, only Li core quietly accompany's next, looked at him


"I'm sorry to make you a little embarrassed." like venting to speak.

"Nothing, it can be considered personally over here is not easy."

"Can you understand nice." like the last puff of air discharged, speak even gas children were gone, just eyes

closed. Listening to the sound coming out of the music.

That the first "pure" Li Shui point repeat playback.


Dinner with real goodbye dinner, and again the band's loyal fans of several classmates and Youth Outreach., trying to make his forgotten what happened in the KTV, but wholeheartedly into this should dismay goodbye


Before the goodbye dinner, stood up and core Lee please stand up, and then proceed to Li core long-awaited

link., seems to be very proud to own and Li core how to meet in the final process of how together say again, of

course, have deliberately avoided specifics, but in others it seems, this maneuvering speed together people can not help but


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Such people, the capital's own words

Such people, the capital's own words, called "Wine putty.
  The scene today and a little hanging the text three children and his drinking buddy Junko First, each of the two "Shaodao Zi", the two brothers on the forward to a mix Sier drink up. Langfang headlines two straight selling baked sweet potato, can be considered the the text three children only friend. He looks wizened see at a glance childhood malnutrition affects development, when he sat height text almost three children, stood up on the Lule cheap new nike jerseys, two one than tall, 1.65 meters, the text three children suddenly seem stature, two straight legs are too short, not only short, but also some bandy, which is even more short.
  Two straight admired the text of three children, he bullied because of short stature total, people like to find a backer, in the eyes of two straight, Wen three children is not official cartoon of a real person, not look pull carts, but that kinds of vocational cover for Bale, general chivalric hero's rivers and lakes have this hobby, Chi Kung is not also total disguised as a beggar do? The text three children probably belonged to this class.
  Text three children six years old before his parents died, is The Drum Tower along the beggars host As for his later why from beggars, diverted to pull rickshaw, the text of three children has been a closely guarded secret. Beggars has always been a mysterious itinerant groups, the interior has a strict hierarchy and line regulation, they have their own values ??and laws. The beggar is not to be underestimated, once they formed a gang and have to let one-third the energy of Dalian Police Department. Two straight once asked the text three children new nfl jerseys in the text three children always XiaoErBuDa, this ambiguous attitude easily engender some Lenovo, two straight is confident that the the text three children in beggars where status is very high.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Liu Xiaoqian unintentionally been Yim hear her mercilessly staring at Liu Xiaoqian

Liu Xiaoqian unintentionally been Yim hear her mercilessly staring at Liu Xiaoqian harshly shouted: "This has been disgruntled regret not regret also acute, I tell you, this is the army, currently to just have a tendency to rain, even under the knife training according to training is not missed. "

You hear sour rushed the floor.

Folks, after five minutes, the entire upstairs whistle audiovisual called ciphers like unified together sounded. The four-meter-wide door crowded recruits like to stir up a hornets' nest is generally a Bay out extremely busy corridor.

The XIA Xue standing cosmetic mirror in front of playing pat, the one Alice moving sultry screen. Front of a mixed laugh, Huang Yan stretched pretty face, stared at a motionless Xue.

The tie belt, wear a hat recruits put on a uniform for the first time, we were a little ambiguous, especially female soldiers like Xue, more attention to their own image. She trimmed, his eyes directed at the mirror and smiled, casually move the cat walk leisurely out from the door.

Everyone has been directed at a smile, Xue, Huang Yan is almost fraud lung. Her restrained further restraint, Xue leisurely to his own position, she finally volcanic eruptions. This is the first time, Song Fei has never seen Yim so vicious, she said, poking pressing shouted: "XIA Xue, Xue?"

XIA Xue Some one o'clock reflect, however, her or so Piao Liaopiao, the Yang Shanshan hand Xue behind poke, and said softly: "shout you."

Xue unconscious "Oh," a cry, followed by a loud A "to".

"Out of the line!"

Xue look innocent question said: "Why?"

Song Fei interjected: "let you out of the line you out of the line, where much why."

XIA Xue depression, Yim still growled fiercely dequeue word.

The XIA Xue subconsciously's prate, said: "Why the hell let me out of the line."

At the moment Song Fei palm pinched to sweat, she said excitedly: "You can answer this?"

The Xue glanced Song Fei, then glanced impatiently replied: "Yes."

Subsequently, shake Akira came to two meters away from Yim at four. The eyes of all recruits to shoot straight toward XIA Xue.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Twenty thousand said: "and we sat a man, you do not think he is so rich it?"

Twenty thousand said: "and we sat a man, you do not think he is so rich it?"

Liu Dehai hesitated, he can not think of any case that Zhao a migrant workers dressed, even the body burdened with wealth, no wonder 20,000 chatted with him day pack of lies, the original pre-meditated, this kid really audacious ah. He could not help angrily stamping their feet and said: "twenty thousand, which erupted but committed a great sin to steal so much money, if caught in this life you never expect to come out." He grabbed the pockets of and stuffed twenty thousand pregnant where you quickly think of ways to put money back to people. "

Twenty thousand was Siyangbacha to go to bed an inverted sit and wait to Staveley, said: "Brother, you can rest assured it, who can not catch us on board who do not know we two, they where to find we? The money you take to pay in advance all wages, and so recover the money, you give it back to me. "and added," Do not worry, this has nothing to do with you, something happens to my own pocket, never implicated you always okay? "

Insights to say: "No, you and I are one, how can nothing to do with me? While there, the car did people recognize us, can you remember that reporters had also we took a few pictures? Police according to these photos , it is easy to find us. "

Twenty thousand a music but Puchi hand from his pocket a small card, "Hey, that I had calculated to, you see what this is?"

Twenty thousand proudly say: "This is the camera's memory card, is I unloaded the Dehai shook his head I do not know."

Liu Dehai hesitated, and my heart have to admire the the twenty thousand skill, he insisted: "No, we can not want this money."

Twenty thousand sit up and advised: "Brother, how do you go the do? Are we not people cheat money? Is poor God we will not let you stand in doubt and deliberately sent to compensation given us, do not, have illegal heaven ah brother, this troubled world may not be too honest, and true that only Hing people not hing we cheat we steal someone? we eat the losses have to eat for free Baiai? what basis it! Also, the general people who would with so much money? maybe or ill-gotten gains. "

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Spit to the last, I collapsed in the washroom

Spit to the last, I collapsed in the washroom, sitting in the cold and wet on the floor, I pinched fist smote upon the wall, crying.

Life is a cycle of doom, while alive is our biggest encounter.

Many years ago, I can escape the world of J years later I escaped from her room, but F is always a can not swim across the river runs through the I and J prime years, so we can never lose the association.

I was immersed in reminiscence of F, unable to extricate themselves, Huiguo Shen, the elevator door opened, I went to dial a phone girlfriend K.

"Hey, I have something to deal with seven days you'll keep in touch."

The elevator doors opened, girlfriend K stand at the door, and a slap in the face off guard fell on my face, and has a long absence, burning pain.


Sometimes I feel like I know much about the woman this creature, they are very emotional, worldview total to impose a lot of emotional factors, so a little small, can touch them, so that they are dead set. But sometimes, I feel that I do not understand women, such as J, such as clearly weekdays very well-behaved, spoiled only installed the lovely K, it will incite my ears, eyes firm and cold, said: "This slap is You deserve it, you can tell you a crazy woman with roll. "

Called from the slap in the face to incite me to roll less than a minute, before and after the interval, K turned in one go, without a pause, the completion of this series of actions. Did not have to explain, no crying, no hysteria, only indifference and outrightly. How fast before I could react, she has been in a huff.

I squatted on the door of the hotel and lit a cigarette, and I know that J was upstairs, had just left his girlfriend K, the face of the pain is still very real, I do not feel anything, I do not hate J overbearing, not disgust tracking K, I only one thought in mind: I'm single.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Zhang Xiaojin - One heroine, the Ninghe foreign trade school documents professional

Zhang Xiaojin - One heroine, the Ninghe foreign trade school documents professional, pure, lovely, powerless in the face of colleagues and superiors harassment, silent resentment, restructuring the company, he served as Logistics Manager, determined to dedicate his entire life to the foreign trade

Yue Zijian - Beijing China International Studies University English Department graduates of prestigious universities, arrogant, righteous, but the character is somewhat gregarious, and thus the subject of frequent exclusion and combat, and then had to resign, to study abroad.

Storage The Blue Jane - Qing Jiang Provincial Key University Department of Foreign Languages ​​at the University of Qingjiang graduates, and beautiful, will use man climbed higher layers, taking Gregory.

Production words too - Qingjiang University Department of Economics and Management graduates, popular, generous, will pull the above relationship, when the general manager and later their relationship and bribery.

Wish morning - the Qingjiang University Department of Foreign Languages ​​graduates, sense of responsibility and strong business abilities, virtue, treacherous suit the new situation has the yenta generally tongue, after restructuring the company from the foreign trade industry eliminated.

Xusheng Ping - the Qingjiang Province Institute of Finance and Economics Foreign Trade professional, articulate, business ability, but do not speak the credibility, and therefore often had a falling out with the factory for that matter, groan a lot of benefits in the company to start a SOHO, and a lot of money into real estate, to move out of the the small profits era of foreign trade.